Baltic-American Medical & Surgical Clinic with a great experience in maternity care took one step forward becoming the only authorized partner of Swiss Stem Cell Bank (SSCB) for the collection of umbilical cord blood stem cells in Lithuania.
As the cell therapy is considered the future of medicine by many, conservation of umbilical cord is an indisputably wise and responsible decision nowadays. Today’s children will be able to bank on that capital in the future – also in their adulthood – for the therapeutic applications that medicine and research will develop in the future.
Exclusivity of Swiss Stem Cell Bank (SSCB):
– One of 2 private banks in Europe awarded the prestigious FACT-NetCord accreditation– the global standard for the best cord blood banks, public and private.
– The extremely important thing is to deliver the cord blood samples to SSCB within 48 hours from the child’s birth to ensure a good isolation of CD 34+ stem cells with a high percentage of vitality.
– Only the separated cord blood cells are stored to ensure that red blood cells do not release hemoglobin and other substances which could damage CD 34+ stem cells.
– SSCB stores samples in liquid nitrogen which guarantees the stable temperature of -196o C and greater quality of samples.
– Close scientifc co-operation with Cardiocentro Ticino brings unquestionable added value to the safety and quality of SSCB.
Your opportunities with us:
– Storage for 20 years in SSCB in Lugano, Switzerland.
– Preservation of maternity blood together with cord blood cells.
– Genetic tests from the umbilical cord blood.
– Latest treatment methods in the future.
Steps for storage:
1-2 months before the planned delivery by calling the number +370 5 234 2020 or by email;
SIGN THE CONTRACT for storage of stem cells from umbilical cord in SSCB;
ARRIVE AT THE MATERNITY HOSPITAL and immediately after the child’s birth the cord blood sample is taken by the obstetric personnel in the delivery room. The procedure is quick, simple and safe and does not entail any risk or pain for either the baby or mother. Samples are sent to SSCB within 48 hours from the child’s birth;
STORE THE UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD CELLS in SSCB and enable your child to take an advantage of the latest treatment methods.
Diseases that can be treated today (over 80 diseases, mainly hematological):
• leukemia
• Fanconi’s anemia
• beta thalassemia
• solid tumors
• lymphomas
• multiple myeloma
Diseases that are currently under the study (regenerative medicine):
• cerebral palsy
• type 1 diabetes
• pre-term babies diseases
• autism
• cardiological diseases
• acquired hearing loss
• gene therapy for genetic pathologies