
Diagnostic Center

Computerized laboratory and modern diagnostic technologies approves the specialist‘s conclusions

Family is the most important value of all, so we are taking care of all family members – from smallest to the eldest.

Regular health check-ups and diagnostic measures help to identify the illness, before it progressed. If you are taking care of you and your family member‘s health, you have more opportunities to start treatment earlier and to expect the better outcome.

Your age, your health status, history of family illness, your lifestyle, what and how you eat, you are doing sports or you have bad habits are the main factors, which states, what type of health check-up you have to perform and what diagnostic test should be performed

Family medicine is the pride of our clinic. Family doctors are waiting not only during working hours, but during weekends as well. Those who are ill are admitted to doctor as soon as possible and if the illness is serious, we offer treatment in our inpatient department in one of our cosily furnished wards.

For those who are taking care of their health on preventive basis we are offering individual treatment plans: we are offering the time, which is the most convenient for you, we direct you to doctor‘s specialists and we perform all the necessary diagnostic tests.

In order to help you avoid serious illness we are taking care of your health and, we will necessarily offer your proper vaccine. Vaccines are the most economically effective preventive measure from illnesses – the way cheaper for you and for society.

For travellers we offer the immuno-profilaxis. In addition, this is the great opportunity for you to avoid a life-threatening infectious disease. Now then harmful microorganisms enters your organism, immune system recognizes them and starts to produce antibodies. Vaccines provides opportunity to improve immune system response to harmful microorganisms before they entered human’s body. In this way, body is protected from dangerous infections or they do not manifest so intensely.

Our clinic has many different specialists, so we offer you a wide range of diagnostic services. For patients, who are hurrying we offer a one day health check-up program.

We have very wide diagnostic opportunities, so do not hesitate, if You or Your family members suffer from insomnia, snoring, back pain and you would like to know more about the physical exertion tolerance of your body,  nervous system condition, cardiovascular and respiratory systems functionalities, metabolic volume

For companies, who are taking care of their employees’ health we offer the preventive health screening programs who are created for companies exclusively.

